Sunday, December 16, 2007

ISA arrests: Najib tells US not to meddle

KUALA LUMPUR: The United States has been told to mind its own business in regard to Malaysia's application of the Internal Security Act.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was responding to a statement by the US State Department on Thursday on the arrests under the ISA of the five Hindraf leaders.

"Our expectation as a government is that these individuals would be provided the full protection under Malaysian law, that they would be given due process, that they would be accorded all the rights accorded to any other citizen, and that this will be done in a speedy and transparent manner," the statement said.

"Can they first of all give a fair trial to the detainees in Guantanamo Bay? We'll only respond if they do so," Najib said after the 36th annual Malaysia-Indonesia General Border Committee meeting at Nikko Hotel here yesterday.

He was referring to terrorist suspects held without trial at a facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
"The major section of the public had demanded that the government take sterner action much earlier, but we have been very patient and quite tolerant," Najib said.

"We wanted to see how things developed and give them a chance to conform to the requirements of the law."

Najib said Hindraf had been given ample advice and warnings since it staged an illegal demonstration on Nov 25 before the ISA was brought into play.

"We have always said people must obey the law. Nobody is above the law. So when the ISA was used, it should not have come as a surprise."

Najib also said the border trade agreement between Malaysia and Indonesia would be reviewed by the end of next year.

The governments of both countries have agreed that the pact needs updating so that it is more relevant to the trading realities of the day.

The decision came about at the meeting between the two countries, headed by Najib and Indonesian Defence Minister Juwono Sudarsono.

Najib said the agreement, initially formulated in 1970, had been around for too long.

"We have decided to review it and are looking at various aspects of the agreement to make it more relevant. It requires input from different government departments. In our case, it is the role of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry to come up with suggestions."

Najib said Malaysia and Indonesia could not be complacent about security.

"Even though the security forces of both nations have improved, untoward incidents are still happening because of confusion and misunderstanding."
aduh this is we call leceh la..i mean us acting towards malaysia??i rather wait for another world


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